Create a axolotl furry That is 20 And has blue jeans And a purple Hoodie 

Generate an image of an anthropomorphic character inspired by an axolotl, who is approximately 20 years of age. This character is stylishly dressed in blue jeans and a purple hoodie. The illustration should be created in the distinctive, expressive style typically seen in anime. Please note there should be no text included in the image.

Generate an image of an anthropomorphic character inspired by an axolotl, who is approximately 20 years of age. This character is stylishly dressed in blue jeans and a purple hoodie. The illustration should be created in the distinctive, expressive style typically seen in anime. Please note there should be no text included in the image.

Create a axolotl furry That is 20 And has blue jeans And a purple Hoodie

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