Boku no hero, Mostly fox part human, part fox part human features, blue and white fur, more fox, part human features, googles on head, scar on one eye, blind eye, blue and white fur, mostly fox, part human, blue and white fur mix fur, scar eye, blind eye, goggles on head, half face been scarred

Visualize an anthropomorphic character, embracing traits of both a fox and a human. The creature should predominantly lean more towards fox characteristics, displayed by an exquisite blend of blue and white fur covering its body. It has a unique attribute, where a striking scar mars one of its eyes, giving it a peculiarly blind look. To enhance its appearance, the character has goggles styled atop its head. Significantly, half of its face is etched with scars, possibly portraying a story of prior encounters. Remember, there should be no text imprinted on the image.

Visualize an anthropomorphic character, embracing traits of both a fox and a human. The creature should predominantly lean more towards fox characteristics, displayed by an exquisite blend of blue and white fur covering its body. It has a unique attribute, where a striking scar mars one of its eyes, giving it a peculiarly blind look. To enhance its appearance, the character has goggles styled atop its head. Significantly, half of its face is etched with scars, possibly portraying a story of prior encounters. Remember, there should be no text imprinted on the image.

Boku no hero, Mostly fox part human, part fox part human features, blue and white fur, more fox, part human features, googles on head, scar on one eye, blind eye, blue and white fur, mostly fox, part human, blue and white fur mix fur, scar eye, blind eye, goggles on head, half face been scarred

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