Cat warrior Khmer 

Imagine a character concept that takes the form of a feline warrior from Cambodia. This cat warrior is humanoid, standing upright on two legs, wearing traditional Khmer warrior armours with details like pointed shoulder guards and a helmet inspired by the sculptures seen in Angkor Wat. They have sharp feline features, such as whiskers, cat-like eyes, and a swishing tail. The overall aesthetic follows the dramatic and dynamic composition typically seen in anime medium, featuring sharp lines, expressive poses, and vibrant color schemes. There is no text present in the illustration.

Imagine a character concept that takes the form of a feline warrior from Cambodia. This cat warrior is humanoid, standing upright on two legs, wearing traditional Khmer warrior armours with details like pointed shoulder guards and a helmet inspired by the sculptures seen in Angkor Wat. They have sharp feline features, such as whiskers, cat-like eyes, and a swishing tail. The overall aesthetic follows the dramatic and dynamic composition typically seen in anime medium, featuring sharp lines, expressive poses, and vibrant color schemes. There is no text present in the illustration.

Cat warrior Khmer

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