This woman is a super villain named “Boombarge”, the reason for this name is because she first booms and then barges

Visualize a supervillain character. She is a woman of unspecified descent, symbolically known as 'Boombarge' due to her unique method of entering situations. Initially, there's an explosive boom, followed by her dramatic entrance. Her style aligns with that used in cinema, with dramatic lighting and exaggerated actions. She wears an outfit befitting a supervillain, perhaps with elements suggesting her explosive tendencies. Remember, she's not just destructive; she also has an inherent theatrical flair. Do not include any text in the image.

Visualize a supervillain character. She is a woman of unspecified descent, symbolically known as 'Boombarge' due to her unique method of entering situations. Initially, there's an explosive boom, followed by her dramatic entrance. Her style aligns with that used in cinema, with dramatic lighting and exaggerated actions. She wears an outfit befitting a supervillain, perhaps with elements suggesting her explosive tendencies. Remember, she's not just destructive; she also has an inherent theatrical flair. Do not include any text in the image.

This woman is a super villain named “Boombarge”, the reason for this name is because she first booms and then barges

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