Symbiote shark mech

Imagine a character that combines the elements of a symbiote and a shark with mechanical attributes. This character is inspired by the unique visual aesthetic of vintage comic books. The symbiote aspect reads like shifting biomorphic patterns on the shark's skin, giving it an eerie and unsettling appearance. The mechanics manifest as sturdy jointed appendages for travel on land and boosters for underwater propulsion. Sharp metallic teeth are evident in the shark's mouth. The character exhibits a color palette common in older comics: bold primary colors and halftone print patterns. The background setting is a dynamic underwater realm, composed in the manner of a comic book panel.

Imagine a character that combines the elements of a symbiote and a shark with mechanical attributes. This character is inspired by the unique visual aesthetic of vintage comic books. The symbiote aspect reads like shifting biomorphic patterns on the shark's skin, giving it an eerie and unsettling appearance. The mechanics manifest as sturdy jointed appendages for travel on land and boosters for underwater propulsion. Sharp metallic teeth are evident in the shark's mouth. The character exhibits a color palette common in older comics: bold primary colors and halftone print patterns. The background setting is a dynamic underwater realm, composed in the manner of a comic book panel.

Symbiote shark mech

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