A floating city high above the clouds, with a white dragon swirling around it.

In the realm of fantasy, there exists a magnificent floating city suspended high above an expanse of fluffy, white clouds. Imposing cobblestone towers stretch towards the heavens while antique, Gothic architecture characterizes the buildings. Dotted with mystical energy sources, the city levitates defying gravity. A majestic white dragon encircles the city in a graceful swirl, its scaled body glinting under the celestial light. Feathery wings spread wide, creating gusts of wind that further bolster the city's floating motion. The image should be absent of any text and remain a pure visual spectacle of fantastical imagination.

In the realm of fantasy, there exists a magnificent floating city suspended high above an expanse of fluffy, white clouds. Imposing cobblestone towers stretch towards the heavens while antique, Gothic architecture characterizes the buildings. Dotted with mystical energy sources, the city levitates defying gravity. A majestic white dragon encircles the city in a graceful swirl, its scaled body glinting under the celestial light. Feathery wings spread wide, creating gusts of wind that further bolster the city's floating motion. The image should be absent of any text and remain a pure visual spectacle of fantastical imagination.

A floating city high above the clouds, with a white dragon swirling around it.

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