Sharklike symbiotic mechsuit with wings 

Create a character design concept featuring an intricate, detailed mech suit with blades for wings that closely resembles the features of a shark, crafted in the style of a 3D model. The mech suit should embody the symbiotic bond between machine and user, the powerful jaw structure, dorsal and pectoral fins for armour, and sharp, sleek lines to symbolize the speed and fluidity of a shark.

Create a character design concept featuring an intricate, detailed mech suit with blades for wings that closely resembles the features of a shark, crafted in the style of a 3D model. The mech suit should embody the symbiotic bond between machine and user, the powerful jaw structure, dorsal and pectoral fins for armour, and sharp, sleek lines to symbolize the speed and fluidity of a shark.

Sharklike symbiotic mechsuit with wings

Character Art iOS App Download Button

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