Alien commander aiming his alien pistol, the aliens design is inspired by Admiral Ackbar

Visualize an extraterrestrial commander, bearing a notable resemblance to a fictional marine-like creature, pointing a futuristic space weapon. The alien presents physical features such as a broad, flat head, wide-set eyes, and aquatic skin texture. The artistry resonates with a modern digital painting technique to render high detail and vivid color palette.

Visualize an extraterrestrial commander, bearing a notable resemblance to a fictional marine-like creature, pointing a futuristic space weapon. The alien presents physical features such as a broad, flat head, wide-set eyes, and aquatic skin texture. The artistry resonates with a modern digital painting technique to render high detail and vivid color palette.

Alien commander aiming his alien pistol, the aliens design is inspired by Admiral Ackbar

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