Oh no, they’re here… (a giant oval shaped sci-fi alien ship lands in Manhattan where thousands of soldiers aim their guns at it). This should be an epic and dramatic scene, and the city of Manhattan should be completely desolate of civilian life (excluding the soldiers)

Picture an extreme overhead view of Manhattan. A giant oval-shaped alien ship hovers above, exuding a mysterious, sci-fi feel. The concrete jungle is void of any civilian presence, replaced by thousands of soldiers from diverse ethnic backgrounds and both genders. They're poised in strategic positions, weapons aimed in unison at the colossal extraterrestrial spacecraft. The atmosphere is tense, and though there's no on-the-ground chaos, the suspense is palpable. Every building, every street, and every soldier details contribute to an ephemeral, cinematic drama. Please note that the image should be completely devoid of any text.

Picture an extreme overhead view of Manhattan. A giant oval-shaped alien ship hovers above, exuding a mysterious, sci-fi feel. The concrete jungle is void of any civilian presence, replaced by thousands of soldiers from diverse ethnic backgrounds and both genders. They're poised in strategic positions, weapons aimed in unison at the colossal extraterrestrial spacecraft. The atmosphere is tense, and though there's no on-the-ground chaos, the suspense is palpable. Every building, every street, and every soldier details contribute to an ephemeral, cinematic drama. Please note that the image should be completely devoid of any text.

Oh no, they’re here… (a giant oval shaped sci-fi alien ship lands in Manhattan where thousands of soldiers aim their guns at it). This should be an epic and dramatic scene, and the city of Manhattan should be completely desolate of civilian life (excluding the soldiers)

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